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victory nutrition

Ally Gallop, MS, RD, CSSD

Sports Dietitian

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Magnesium, Sleep, and Muscle Recovery

Writer: allygallopallygallop

Updated: 13 hours ago

Not only is magnesium a micronutrient and supplement that athletes are interested in, different forms of magnesium are also promoted—often by supplement companies—as being specific to improvements in sleep, muscle health, and/or recovery. But does a specific form matter? And does additional magnesium matter in the presence of a magnesium-rich diet?


In this article, I’m going to review the following:

  • How much magnesium do we need? What about its role as a laxative?

  • How does magnesium move from the diet/intestine and into circulation?

  • Interpreting biomarkers: serum versus red blood cell (RBC) versus urine magnesium.

  • What information is consistently missing from supplemental magnesium studies?

  • What role does magnesium have in sleep? Muscle recovery?

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